Breast Reduction


Sometimes large breasts can cause pain in the neck, upper back pain, and dragging discomfort in the chest. Bra straps can also cause deep grooves in the chest due to heavy weight of breasts leading to skin irritation. If very large breasts are seriously affecting your lifestyle and daily activities, its time to consider breast reduction in Mohali.

How it is performed?

There are several types of breast reduction procedures that are performed depending upon the type and volume of reduction required. The most common type of procedure involves keeping a central ‘mound’ of the breast tissue with the nipple attached to its apex. After that, the surplus breast tissue and gland get trimmed away and the desired size is obtained, the skin is tailored and trimmed to fit.

Is there any standard procedure for all?

Every breast reduction procedure in Punjab is individually planned in order to accomplish desired results. What kind of procedure would suit you the most, how long will it take and the likely cost can only be estimated based on the consultation with your cosmetic surgery clinic in Chandigarh.

How long does it take to recover from breast reduction surgery?

The patient would be able to resume normal activities 7 to 10 days after surgery. Any type of strenuous activities should be avoided for 4 weeks after the surgery. Thus, it might take a month to recover from breast reduction surgery.

Are the results permanent for the procedure?

The women will get lighter and smaller breasts after the surgery. However, the breasts may sag after inevitable result of aging. It is imperative for the women to maintain her weight in order to experience results permanently.

When To See Your Doctor

Following the above therapies can take care of again problem to a significant extent. However, in the event the problem persists which is so acute that it refrains you from doing your routine work, you must visit a doctor. Some really serious concerns are some weakness, backache with ache in legs, painful sensation in thighs and leg or backache, as soon as one should immediately meet up with a doctor. In significant cases surgery could possibly be recommended.

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